Friday, August 3, 2007


My name is Shingo Mizuno. I am in America now. Surprisingly, everything is big in america!!

For example, I ate mexican food. it is too big! but I have no time. See you again!


Nina Liakos said...

Hi Shingo, congratulations on creating your first blog in English! You overcame a lot of challenges to create this blog. Thanks for being so patient!
The U.S. has a lot of land, so Americans build big. I think restaurants give people too much food, however. So much food makes Americans fat!

Hiromi said...

Hello, Shingo!
This is Hiromi, and I participated the program last year. It's nice to meet you! ^^

I agree with the first impression about the food in America! Please try to walk a lot on the activities after the class so that you won't gain weight too much! Hahaha~. ^^

Berta said...

Hi Shingo,
It is interesting how one notices these differences when one travels.
I agree, American restaurants usually serve too much food. That is why I usually see the Entrées or appetizers to settle for something smaller ... and cheaper. Otherwise, I would tend to overeat and gain weight.
All the best in your stay,
A Venezuelan colleague and friend of Nina´s

Dennis said...

Hello, Shingo.

Welcome to the U.S. and congratulations on your blog! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and impressions!

Yes, lots of things are big here--particularly, the servings of food in restaurants. I agree with Nina, Hiromi, and Berta about the servings of food. When I go out to eat, it's always difficult to find something that is just enough and not too much! Berta has a good idea: choosing only entrées or appetizers. Sometimes it's possible for two people to share a complete meal, but even then the servings might be too large!

I'm glad you tried Mexican food. There are many international restaurants near where you are, and I hope you try something else that's new and different--like Greek food or Arabic food or Ethiopian food!

Best wishes--

Dennis in Phoenix
(an online colleague of Nina-sensei's)

Laura said...

Even many Americans think that the food at Chipotle is too big (but they wind up eating it anyway)!